Standard license:
- 4 minutes templates incl. standard agenda items
- unlimited protocol sending
Premium subscription:
- More than 20 minutes including standard agenda items
- unlimited protocol sending
- Logo editable in header line
- Logo can be defined per project
- Support further development of the app
Under the settings you will find the item Project Basic Data. With a "click" on the +, you can open a new project
With a "click" on the green + you create a session row. Important: You can only create a series of sessions if a project has been entered.
Under the settings you will find the item General, there you can now define the logo accordingly (Only included in the premium subscription).
Under Settings / Project Basic Data / Project you can customize the logo per project as desired.
Important: Only included in the premium subscription.
Under the settings you will find the item General, where you can now select one of the five system languages.
You can easily copy a log that you have created:
Android: Long press on the already created log, then select copy.
IOS: "wipe" to the left on the corresponding log with your finger, then select copy.
Under the item Settings you will find the category "Data Backup". With a "click" on the button you can save your data locally on the corresponding device. The data will be saved on your device under Files.
You can access your files by clicking the Restore Backup button. From there, you can select the file you want to restore.
Minutes may be signed in writing to confirm their accuracy. The minutes that have been signed cannot be edited again.
If you want to move a log entry or even an entire topic, keep your finger on the entry you want to move for a longer period of time, after which you can reposition it as you wish.
Each log entry can be classified as information, task or resolution.
Information: This serves simply as information.
Task: This is a task and can, for example, be assigned to an employee.
Resolution: A resolution shows what was decided at the meeting.
When you have created the protocol, you will find the Save button in the upper left corner under the item Send PDF &. You will then find the created protocol among the files on your device.
The log number is composed of the date and time.
Example: Date (red) & Time(green)
To create a CSV, press the "CSV" button under the "Agenda" section.
Select "Create Template" to generate a CSV template.
The template has now been filed under your documents.
The template must be filled in the following way:
Note: The data must be filled as specified, so that the CSV can be implemented error-free in the DokPro application.
(Click on image to view full size)
Now press "Select CSV" and import your CSV into the application. When you have finished this step, the following message will appear.
Now you can insert the project, location and room. After that press "OK".
The pending items listed in the CSV have been imported successfully.
First of all, you should enter the title of the protocol template as well as the session type.
Subsequently, the participants are defined:
Finally, the agenda items are defined and the protocol template is saved.
First, "Protocol templates" is selected. Then press the "Plus" button at the top right.
Now you can enter the title of the test object. With a click on the green plus you can create test positions.